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Companies Australia Companies in the state of Victoria
Cataloxy Newport...Companies in NewportCoffee ShopsHeart of Hall - Cooking School & Cafe

Heart of Hall - Cooking School & Cafe

closed now

Heart of Hall is Melbourne's newest and best cooking school offering a diverse range of professional cooking classes across a range of cuisines and techniques in a fun and friendly environment. Heart of Hall is also a Cafe and Store, a culinary hub

Heart of Hall Cooking School and Cafe is a local community food and coffee hub, serving renowned Candyman Espresso Blend specialty coffee which is roasted by Small Batch Roasting Company. Our cafe menu has an emphasis on organic, locally produced seasonal dishes and is available daily until 2:30 pm. Coffee, beer, wine and snacks are available until we close.

Our cooking school conducts recreational cooking classes with the aim or reconnecting people with food and wine.

Located just 10 minutes from Melbourne's CBD on Hall Street, Newport, Heart of Hall is a one stop shop for food, cook books, coffee and interesting cooking tools and ingredients.

Accessibility: Wheelchair-accessible entrance

Amenities: Good for kids

Our aim is to create a place where people can connect with food. A place where our community can come together and have an opportunity to meet with suppliers and learn about just how glorious food and wine is. Food has always played such a big part in our lives, and now in today's world of packaged, artificially flavoured and fast foods that are low in nutrition, we are seeing a gap in the "food chain", a gap in the understanding of just how wonderful the process of providing a delicious and exciting meal is. The pleasure that comes from spending time with loved ones in the kitchen and around a beautiful meal that you cooked yourself.
At Heart of Hall, we embrace the small producers of food and wine, the urban farmers, the boutique food suppliers and the creators, chefs and cooks and share in their dreams. We value the stories behind their products that we use and consume every day. We love being a part of that community.  We want to foster the importance of fresh food and home cooking.
It is more than just the food, it is the items that go along with food,  getting passed down through the generations such as recipes, copper pots, serving spoons, crockery, cutlery and of course the stories.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Heart of Hall - Cooking School & Cafe in Newport you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 17 Hall St, VIC 3014
Newport, Victoria
Opening hours:
Mon — Fri:from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM, no break
Sat — Sun:from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, no break
closed now

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coffee shop, cafe, culinary school
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